git clone git://
For read/write access check the develop page on Sourceforge.
There isn’t really any build process, because you can just copy the files inside src/ directly to the web server.
You are able to build to different versions of archives, on the one side releases and on the other so called snapshots.
The following command will create new archives in the ‘dist/’ directory, where <the version> have to be a valid git commit identifier (i.e. HEAD, tags, short/long commit hash, ...)
make archive ARCHIVE_VERSION=<the version>
For example:
make archive ARCHIVE_VERSION=0.4
make archive ARCHIVE_VERSION=ed7365344fe57f8015acdb15af542636d58aee49
make archive ARCHIVE_VERSION=ed73653
For a snapshot the current status of the repository is used (ARCHIVE_VERSION=HEAD).
make archive